Spike ‘Em

Boeing’s trying to flex its corporate extortion privileges. If the government spikes the ill-conceived contract to “lease” tanker aircraft, Boeing will lay off 500 voters.

Blow it out your exhaust vent, Boeing. I grow weary of the influence you peddle over taxpayer dollars with the threat or offer of jobs. Sorry to the 500 who’ll have to find other jobs (which they will; it’s time they learned you ain’t the only fish in the sea, just the biggest plankinton-and-krill sucking sea denizen of the blue). But Boeing, you’ve been taking tax abatements to come into a community and then being a “good corporate citizen” by throwing some crumbs to good local causes and supporting other local corporations–particularly sports teams (Heaven forbid we are deprived of your glowing logo during the national anthem at hockey games).

Me, I pay my taxes to be a good citizen. And then I go to hockey games. You just have to go to hockey games.

What’s my point? Oh, yeah. Big corporations sux, and so do the governmental playas who coddle them and who then hump big corporate legs.

500 jobs for $200 billion tax dollars. A pox on the politicos who thought this was a good idea.

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