An Englishman Weighs In

Kim du Toit has posted a letter from an Englishman who’s becoming an American and wants to buy his first gun.

Here’s a note to Ozaukee County Sheriff Maury Straub, who is doesn’t know anyone who’s ever had to protect his or her life with deadly force:

Violent crime in the UK is about 4 times higher than in the US. The conclusion I have come to is that’s because of guns (I really, really, kept an open mind about the good/bad things about guns). In the adult years I was in England, (18 to 27, a total of 9 years):

  • my house was burgled 3 times (the third time, my room mate was severely beaten, because he was home)
  • my car was broken into twice
  • car stolen once
  • and I was assaulted twice.

The writer of this letter never had to protect himself with a gun either because it wasn’t an option. Hopefully, soon, in Wisconsin and Missouri it will be.

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