Debablogging 33

Didn’t Kerry say Saddam wasn’t a threat earlier in the debate? Now he says that Saddam was a threat, but that’s not the point.

He’s just paradoxed the whole debate. Wait, didn’t the debate start at 8 pm CDT? Why does my computer clock say 5:34? The space time continuum has ruptured!

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Debablogging 31

The Putin question:

Bush: Centralization in Russia in response to terror is bad, and I’ve said so publicly. Russia’s an ally, though, and Bush invokes Beslan. Calls Vladamir by his first names, and values his personal relationship. A good, even-tempered response. Will Kerry want preemptive invasion to save the Russians and secure the nuclear material?

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Debablogging 28

Kerry’s not going to proliferate, and he’s going to cut ours.

He didn’t say it; just that he’s not going to build nuke buster bombs, but considering he’s been in favor of nuclear disarmament, he’s going to be all over it.

Because it sends a good message.

Of weakness.

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Debablogging 24

We’re the leading donor to African/Sudan humanitarian efforts. Shouldn’t Kerry be against this by rote? Why should America bear 90% of the burden? Cut and run and let the French help…in exchange for a little oil.

Bush mentions the rainy season. Showing some familiarity with the region and considerations above and beyond the headlines.

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Debablogging 22

Kerry breaks protocol and answers the previous question, starting to deflect the Darfur question.

More sanctions, sanctions, sanctions. He’s fumbling this one.

He says we’re overextended. Weakness. Got that, America? We’re weak.

This man didn’t read his Hobbes nor Machiavelli. But they didn’t write in French.

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Debablogging 21

When Bush closes when the red light flashes, he raises his voice and makes it sound like a question.

He’s got the real story on North Korea!

So the North Koreans just magically built up their program just because Bush didn’t sign the Kyoto accords?

Does Kerry want multilateral or bilateral talks? Both.

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Debablogging 16

Thanks for the thoughtful response, Kerry.

Stop with the outsourcing at Tora Bora crack; Bush was not throwing troops to their deaths and was sensitively tipping his hat to the allies in the region.

Kerry wanted more of the same in Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power, but not more of the same with the current regime.

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Debablogging 15

Bush’s answer to another preemptive strike is the most thoughtful of the night; he’s touching on his 2000 noninterventionism, his understanding of his duty, and the foresight that an iron fist in the velvet glove is what gives the handshakes in the smiling photoops their shape.

Or something like that.

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