PachyBlogging Day4, Part XXIII

George Pataki.

A dilemma for the maestros: Previous nights have had the barn-burner speaker preceding the cool resolve speaker. I guess Pataki’s supposed to be that crowd-riler, but the organizers couldn’t pick someone who would overshadow the nominee.

Man, picking speaker slots must have been like organizing the line-up card for the 2004 St. Louis Cardinals.

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PachyBlogging Day4, Part XXII

George Pataki.

In the hands of a monster, a box cutter is a weapon of mass destruction. Good line, and good point for further reflection in which this blog cannot engage while its author hen-pecks words with one hand while trying to drink with the other.

“We’ve already been attacked.” Cheney said that last night, didn’t he? Or was it Miller?

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PachyBlogging Day4, Part XXI

George Pataki.

Talking about wanting a president who would ask the right question when attacked, “What do we do now?” when the wrong question is “Why did they do they hate us?”

A dig at the Clinton administration for not reacting strongly enough to earlier attacks, given in the form of “I wish they had acted more strongly.”

Partisanship, or sincere hope? If you ask, you impugn Pataki, and Republicans, as Americans and as humans.

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