The New Battlestar: Galactica Miniseries Review, 5 Seconds Into the DVD

How modern; the premise of the original, where the Cylons where the mechanical spawn of an ancient race inimical to man (or, if one goes extra-textually to the actual broadcast of the original series, merely an ancient race inimical to man), has been replaced with the premise that man created the Cylons to serve man.

Kinda like America funded Saddam Hussein in the 1980s or any other variation on the Biblical theme that all the evils you face today are retribution for the sins of your fathers and so on.

Your honor, note that this person is a hostile witness (and a rabid partisan of the original series).

Man, I hope this improves after the expository stills.

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1 thought on “The New Battlestar: Galactica Miniseries Review, 5 Seconds Into the DVD

  1. My recollection of the TOS mythology is that the original Cylon race/creators of the mech. Cylons died out before any contact between them and the Colonials.

    Of course, the TOS Cylons killed off their creators, so it’s not like Ron Moore needed to appropriate lefty talking points to come up with the NuBSG Cylon backstory.

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