Reminds Me Of Something I Said

Back when I read the Laura Ingalls Wilder books three years ago already, I said in the report on Litle Town on the Prairie: The book continues to evolve as the character ages. In this book, she pays more attention to clothing and fashion than in other books, and the subtle content changes over the […]

Link Dump

It’s so unlike me to do a link dump, but I’ve got a number of interesting bits open in tabs and not enough time to write a post about each. Not that I spend hours writing intelligent, well thought out, and cohesive/comprehensive gloss on what others write anyway. Suddenly, living in trailers is a hipster […]

Taking the Papers

So they tell me that print is dead. However, over the last couple of weeks, I have subscribed to four newspapers. As you might know, gentle reader, I have been taking the weekly Greene County Commonwealth since it was the Republic Monitor, before that young Squibb fellow bought it. I’ve also started subscriptions to the […]