Good Book Hunting, May 11 and 19 2019: ABC Books

Last Saturday, I had to run to ABC Books to get gift cards for the thank-yous that my boys reluctantly and almost illegibly write for their teachers and coaches. I bought 17 gift cards and smuggled a couple of purchases among them. As I have pretty much picked over the Martial Arts section, I moved into the Football section beside them and got a couple of Packers books to read when the hockey season is over.

This past Saturday (which for purposes of this post is not “last” Saturday), I went back because an author was in the house signing her books, and I like to support local authors.

At any rate, I got these:

They include:

  • The Physics of Love by Carla Kirchner, a chapbook by a local author.
  • I Remember Lombardi by Mike Towle.
  • Life After Favre by Phil Hanrahan, which is timely because some of us are thinking about life after Favre’s successor.
  • High Fidelity by Nick Hornby because suddenly everybody’s talking about mixed tapes as a 90s phenomenon, which I attribute to the film version of this book.
  • Yoga’s Devotional Light, Four Gates to Health: Eastern Ideas and Techniques for Vital Living, and Divine Fruit: Ecstatic Verse by Julian Lynn.

I joked on Saturday that I didn’t need any gift cards today because I had one left. However, on Sunday, I gave that one away.

Oh, curse the luck! I’ll have to go back to ABC Books again soon.

Buy My Books!
Buy John Donnelly's Gold Buy The Courtship of Barbara Holt Buy Coffee House Memories