Good Book Hunting: Republic Pumpkin Daze, October 1, 2016

As I have mentioned before, there’s a retired educator’s group at the Republic Pumpkin Daze fall festival selling books. This year, I only got two books, but I feel the need to do an online end-zone dance.

Here they are:

The first is a paperback containing three RoboTech novels.

But the second. Ah, the second.

I’ve been looking for a book of Josephus’s writing for some time. Josephus is a first century Palestinian who wrote a bunch of Jewish and Christian history without actually getting included in the Bible. I’ve looked for it at ABC Books, but the one time I didn’t buy a copy because I was already spending a pile on something else proved to be my best shot at the author. I mean, there’s currently an old edition with tiny print that I’d be afraid to read up there for like $20.

But at the bottom of a bin of books on the ground–not even the books on the tables!–I found a Nelson’s Super Value Series collection of Josephus Complete Works. I pulled it from the bin and made a happy sound, and then my eyes darted to make sure nobody was going to take it from me. Only $2 or so (it was not Dollar Bag time, but the accounting was a bit lenient, I think).

So now I’ll have to figure out when to add another 1000 page book to my queue.

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