The Great Leader Squares The Circle

They said Barack Obama could perform miracles, and lo! He has made this circle into a square:

One closing remark that I want to make: It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines in this midterm election. There may be complaints about us not having gotten certain things done, not fast enough, making certain legislative compromises. But right now, we’ve got a choice between a Republican Party that has moved to the right of George Bush and is looking to lock in the same policies that got us into these disasters in the first place, versus an administration that, with some admitted warts, has been the most successful administration in a generation in moving progressive agendas forward.

The Republican Party has moved to the right of George W. Bush, and yet wants to impose the policies of the person whose policies the party has moved to the right of.

Say what you will about the President promising to stop the rise of the oceans and to heal the planet, but he certainly imposes his will upon mere logic.

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2 thoughts on “The Great Leader Squares The Circle

  1. Which policies was the President referring to? Having troops in two faraway countries without any clear goals? Holding prisoners in Guantanamo Bay? Fumbling a natural disaster in Louisiana? Increasing the size and scope of the federal government? Adding unfunded entitlements? Lamenting America’s “addiction to oil”? Alienating our traditional allies and emboldening our adversaries? Increasing the deficit? Help me out here.

  2. “…but he certainly imposes his will upon mere logic.”

    Not without a price though, he accidentally told the truth:”moving progressive agendas”

    Bet that hurt.

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