He Also Didn’t Mention The Spanish Inquisition

Pope doesn’t mention sex scandal in Palm Sunday homily:

Pope Benedict XVI opened Holy Week on Sunday amid one of the most serious crises facing the church in decades, with protesters in London demanding he resign and calls in Switzerland for a central registry for pedophile priests.

Benedict made no direct mention of the scandal in his Palm Sunday homily. But one of the prayers, recited in Portuguese during Mass, was “for the young and for those charged with educating them and protecting them.”

I think it stuns journalists that religious leaders behave differently than the celebrities that journalists have trained to react to negative publicity with groveling, insincere half apologies, and elaborate shows of unfelt penance.

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4 thoughts on “He Also Didn’t Mention The Spanish Inquisition

  1. I really, really want to see a translation of the letter in which he allegedly instructed clergy not to reveal the sex abuse allegations under pain of excommunication.

  2. I’m not familiar with the case, but I’d bet a lot of anti-Papists can take a leap of faith without it.

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