Dueling Headlines

Now appearing on the front page of StLToday.com, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch online presence:

Snow shouldn’t be a problem for College Cup:

It figures to be cold for the NCAA College Cup semifinals at Hermann Stadium, but the field should be clear and the games will be on.

NCAA soccer semifinals at SLU postponed:

The NCAA men’s soccer semifinals scheduled for today have been postponed because of the weather and will be played Saturday morning.

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Atari Apostasy at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch


I do not remember the day I bought the Atari game, but I am absolutely certain that I did not wait in a line all night to get it. I’m sure because I would never have waited in line all night to obtain any toy — except for the firetruck set at Mr. Beavers’ store which I never got when I was 8, but it’s OK because I’m over it now.

With the Atari attached to our TV, my then-preschool kids and I could shoot at each other from very crude depictions of jet fighters, or shoot at each other from very crude depictions of tanks, or go bowling with an imaginary ball which seemed indistinguishable from the missiles of jet fighters or the shells of tanks.

I bored of it in about an hour. The kids, I think, gave up about 30 minutes after that.

It’s been 20+ years and I’m not bored, as anyone who’s attended our Atari Partys can surmise.

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