Summer of the …?

Summer of the Pit Bull continues: Woman recovering from pit bull attack:

A San Jose woman was recovering from bites to her hands and arms after her 8-month-old pit bull mix attacked her in her home Sunday, police said.

The 36-year-old woman, who was not identified by police, was cleaning up after the dog got sick in the house in the 0-100 block of George Street when the dog attacked her about 6 p.m., according to San Jose Police spokeswoman Gina Tepoorten.

“For some reason, the dog ended up turning on her and attacking her,” Tepoorten said.

Not to be outdone, we get a sequel to the Summer of the Shark: Shark Attacks 2nd Teen Off Fla. Panhandle:

A teenage boy was bitten and critically injured Monday in the second shark attack in three days along the Florida Panhandle.

Man, I cannot wait till the hysteredia brings us the climactic conclusion in two years: Shark Vs. Pit Bull: The Reckoning (tagline: “People were only the appetizer”).

(Submitted to the Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam.)

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1 thought on “Summer of the …?

  1. In 2004, there were only 12 shark attack cases in Florida; from 2000-03 the average was 30. Despite recent declines, the media wants us to believe this is a common occurance to increase their ratings. MommyCool prefers to remember that driving to the beach is potentially more deadly than swimming off of one.

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