Foam Industry Ramps Up Production; Government to Make Everything Safe

New York City has banned almost everything else, so it’s turning to another hazardous substance that is too easily available to its irresponsible, befuddled citizens: candy.

Large mint balls, jawbreakers and other hard sweets — which can choke kids — could soon be banned for sale to children in the city.

City Council Health Committee Chairwoman Christine Quinn yesterday introduced a bill that would outlaw the sale of what she termed “dangerously sized candy” to people under 14.

She defined dangerously sized as between 3/4 of an inch and 13/4 of an inch in diameter.


(Submitted to the Outside the Beltway Traffic Jam.)

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1 thought on “Foam Industry Ramps Up Production; Government to Make Everything Safe

  1. She better outlaw anything that parents cut into bite-sized pieces for their kids too! Hot dogs, meatballs, broccoli, and laughing-cow cheese all come to mind. Thank goodness the great city of New York is watching out for our kids! What a nut. No.. wait… those should be outlawed too!

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